Our operations

Specialist environmental consultants measure the GHG emissions across our operations and the assets we manage. This enables Roebuck to set clearly defined emissions reduction targets in line with Paris Agreement goals, of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Roebuck’s FY23 carbon footprint has been calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol:

Scope 1: 2.29 tCO2e

Scope 2: 49.90 tCO2e

Scope 3: 42,027.24 tCO2e


Roebuck has committed to achieve the following near-term targets:

  • 2024 Target: Improve data collection & carbon footprint metrics
  • SBTis Targets:
  1. Reduce our operations absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 54.6% by FY33
  2. Reduce our GFH real estate portfolio emissions by 56% per square meter by FY33

The Global Returns Project takes a ‘fund management’ approach to climate philanthropy, donating to a portfolio of diverse not-for-profits tackling climate change. To address our carbon footprint, Roebuck will calculate our financial contribution to The Global Returns Project by multiplying our emissions by the current carbon future price (UK Allowance Price as traded on the UK Emissions Trading Scheme).

Roebuck’s donation supports regenerative projects that work to reverse the impact we have had on the environment, a fundamental solution to the climate crisis.


Real Estate Solutions

Roebuck uses the following reports pre-acquisition and during ongoing management to ensure there is a clear and defined path of building quality & ESG rating.

Carbon assessment icon
Carbon assessment

Carbon performance of assets (i.e. utilities usage)
How to achieve EPC targets

ESG due diligence icon
ESG due diligence

Highlights key ESG risks and 
opportunities preacquisition

Net zero pathway modelling icon
Net zero pathway modelling

Providing a route to the achievement of net-zero
e.g. CRREM reporting

Carbon Reduction Initiative icon
Carbon Reduction Initiative

Reviewing how to reduce
carbon emissions

EU Taxonomy Assessment icon
EU Taxonomy Assessment

Providing assurance of EU Taxonomy alignment
Required for SDFR

Building Certification Assessment icon
Building Certification Assessment

Pre-acquisition or in use, needed for GRESB

Real Estate Solutions

Roebuck uses the following reports pre-acquisition and during ongoing management to ensure there is a clear and defined path of building quality & ESG rating.